Saturday, March 12, 2022

Is Having Too Much Knowledge Bad

Is Too Much Knowledge Good or Bad?

We have all heard the saying, “Too much of a good thing is no longer a good thing.” Is it possible that too much knowledge is also not a good thing? I have always believed that “Education is Power”; however, I am starting to feel relatively powerless because of knowing too much.

dumbbell set and exercise ball

Thinking back to a time a few years ago, before I knew anything about nutrition, back to when I used to exercise to eat, my mind was free! I never stressed about eating a banana or a simple ham and cheese sandwich. I never measured or weighed my food. I had an athletic body, and I was comfortable with it.

That self-image was quick to change once I competed.

Now I find myself fighting an internal battle every day and going to bed with regret and waking up with frustration. Is it really so horrible to have 1 whole cup of oats versus 1/3 cup? Or to add fat-free milk versus water to mix? Or just to skip the damn oats and have a normal breakfast with fried eggs, potatoes, bacon, and/or sausage and pancakes? I remember how a big breakfast was such a Sunday treat.

Thanksgiving meals used to be a time when I would cook all night long, preparing numerous labor-intensive side dishes to enjoy with my family and friends. I used to enjoy these moments. Now I just get a simple spread made by Whole Foods, while my family enjoys the traditional items.

Should we really be so consumed over every bite we take?

I have been struggling with this for weeks. Every day I wish I had the mental freedom I used to have. I am exhausted with over-analyzing my body and stressing about the food I put into it. I have established an image that so many would like to see fall.

Do I want to give them that satisfaction? Should I even care what they think? Will I be able to be comfortable with my body again?

Is there a balance between being neurotic and relaxed?

I believe that there is a balance if we can allow ourselves the time to find it. We need to be comfortable with the freedom to make choices and the outcome, good or bad. Having the education helps establish the foundation to ensure that most of our meals are “good.” I find that if I stick to a clean and healthy diet the majority of the time, I can keep some sort of mental balance.

There is not a percentage to my majority. When I deny myself something, my mental balance is lost, and I feel deprived and end up over-compensating for it. When I make too many bad decisions, I no longer recognize the body that appears, and I am irritated.

When establishing our mental balance, we also need to accept and embrace the body that we become.

Whether you are a competitor or someone who has an extra weight that is making you uncomfortable, you will change. A competitor’s body should not be held at a “stage look” for longer than absolutely necessary because it is not healthy. Same with someone who is holding onto a high percentage of body fat, also not healthy.

Get rid of that image in your head. Unfortunately for the competitor, the changes we see are harder to accept.

Live Your Life for You!

The bottom line is that we cannot live a balanced life on a diet. We need to find that middle ground between making good choices and feeling good. This balance is what I am trying to find, again.


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