Saturday, March 12, 2022

Top ten tips for getting fit at home

The eternal question that everyone and their grandmother want the answer to: "How can I get fit fast?" And the usual follow-up question: "Can I do it at home, or do I have to go out?"

Well, Fitness Advisors is happy to answer the first question with "read on below" and the second with "yes (apart from one), and you don't need equipment either." We can answer those two questions so comprehensively because you're a little bit awesome, and we like you.

woman walking alone

Everybody wants to be fitter, don't they, and gym memberships aren't for everybody. The home workout regimen is perfect for sweating it out in the comfort and privacy of your own home.

If you are starting on your personal little 'journey' to get fit, then your stamina isn't likely to be on top form – it takes time, and that's OK. Here are our top ten ways to get at home without you wanting to crawl into a hole in the ground.

1. Stick to the rule of 10

Whatever exercise gets your eye twinkling, do 10 each day. For example, aim for just 10 sit-ups each day – even if you cannot manage them all together – something is a hell of a lot better than nothing, and by the end of the week, we bet you can do 10 all in one sitting so to speak.

2. Get up and stand at least once an hour

We all should know by now that sitting on our behinds all day, or for hours at a time, is not suitable for us. For instance, if you are working from home, being hunched over a keyboard for long stretches is doing your back no favors, and it will not thank you for it.

Make a deliberate effort to get up and do something, at least during 'working hours, to get up and do something – set a timer on your phone, and there are tons of free apps that let you set the alarm to sound at intervals of your choice.

3. Go for a walk each day

Light, mild, easy, and uber-healthy. Go to the shop, walk around a park, anything, it doesn't matter. Just go for a walk, absolutely anywhere, for just 20 minutes a day. You'll feel much better in yourself for it, and you'll even begin to wonder what all the fuss was about. You don't have to go out either – walk around the house, up downstairs, so long as you get your pins pumping.

4. Do not leave the house

We thought you would like that one. Apart from your daily walk, there is no need to leave your home to get a sweat on. There are tons of cardio and bodyweight exercises that you can do at home without leaving the front door. Sit-ups, push-ups, lunges, star jumps A mix of anything really, just do them in manageable 10s

5. Tabata

No, we haven't forgotten your name. Tabata (short periods of intense workouts) is perfect if you want results faster or you do not have much time in your day.

You can download Tabata timers to your phone for free. The exercises can be pretty much anything, so long as one is nice and relaxed and the other is borderline punishing. For instance- 20 seconds of running then 10 seconds of running, rinse and repeat as much as you can. Keeping this up every day will burn the fat and get you fit. Fast.

6. Take a deserved breather

You know, it isn't all about exercise, you know, have a day off. Our daily lives are already pretty stressful, and your workouts shouldn't be adding to that.

When you start to dread exercising, you have already lost the battle – it is supposed to be enjoyable (stop laughing, you'll see). Power down your devices for a day, too, unless you need them for work. Obviously. Thank us later -because your body will be thanking you for the break.

7. Don't stress about the length of your workouts

Quality will always beat quantity; remember that. This is especially true if you are currently out of shape – push yourself too hard, and you will hurt yourself and also end up hating working out. Any exercise is good exercise. Stick to the rule of 10, even if you have to break it up over the morning or afternoon in 2 or 3 sittings, and you will be just fine.

8. Run for one song

Songs usually last a couple of minutes, so if you can manage a jog for that, you're doing great. It may not sound like much, but it's a couple of minutes of running today that you didn't do yesterday. Make it your favorite song, and you won't even notice a couple of minutes of sweat. Probably.

9. Get some quality bedtime behind you

Some forms of exercise are better than others, and sex burns more calories than you might think. It's so good for exercise that it can burn as much as 100 calories in one sitting, which is roughly a 20-minute jog. And if we are being completely candid, which one would you rather have?

10. work up a sweat when the ads are on

Unless you are watching Netflix or Prime Video, you will be hit with adverts at some point. You could put those couple of minutes to great use. If you usually go to the loo or make a brew when there's an ad break on, why not lunge there and back instead? You should probably not grab a biscuit, though, if you want all your hard work to mean something.

Hopefully, our little top ten has shown you that exercise doesn't have to be boring or even that difficult, approached the right way.

The 5 Steps to Reverse Dieting

I showed this picture today to someone, and they asked, “Are you pushing your stomach out”? I just looked at her with a “Why the hell would I do that?” kind of face. In reality, this photo is not even when I hit my “worse” this past winter. That is a photo that even I am embarrassed to share.

A woman standing at the road and wearing black shoes

Like everything, I tend to learn things by experience, aka: “The Hard Way.” I knew that after dieting from January to September, I was going to be facing a serious “Bounce.” I use that word because it describes precisely what happens. My body blows up when exposed to things I have not had in a long time.

Mentally, I cannot control the months of deprivation I have faced. I cannot process any of the foods that “normal” people eat physically. This creates the perfect storm.

Internally, my body is no longer creating enzymes to break down foods. My pancreas becomes irritated when hit with “real” foods. My stomach starts to hurt, and the bloating is significant. However, my brain is no longer receiving signals that I am complete because it has been in starvation mode for so long. I have not had the taste of so many flavors and textures. Foods are going in, but my body cannot break them down.

Now add that I have been eating 6-7 small meals and doing cardio twice a day, for most weeks. This caused my thyroid to slow down. The high caloric deficit is nothing to keep it “running.”

The point of this blog is not to bitch about what I did but to possibly inform someone on how to avoid this happening to them. Looking back, I was missing one fundamental key to avoiding this “bounce”:

A Reverse Diet

I am probably not going to be able to stress how important it is for someone to slowly reintroduce various foods and portion sizes, back into their body, S L O W L Y. This doesn’t only apply to those preparing for some sort of event which required strict dieting, but also to those who decided to start a diet in order to pull off those extra pounds. The “yo-yo” effect is something that most people have experienced:

Most of you are probably going to have to experience this for yourself, and that is okay. Just take it from me; the mental depression that follows this physical change is horrible!

Most coaches can get you to stage-ready with a typical competitor diet. Great! You are set to compete that day! You look your best and may even get a great placing.

What do you do next? Eat like a King or Queen, party with your friends and family, stuff junk food in your mouth, all because you can? I mean, you are lean as hell now; eat it all! Yep, that is what most of us do.

I will be the first to admit that half of the things that I eat after a show I would have never wanted before! However, it is the days that follow that becomes the real challenge. Day 3, regular life starts again, now what?

This is where you NEED to ensure that the coach you are working with has a diet prepared to keep you healthy, after the show! You are already fit, now you need to learn how to make this a normal lifestyle. 

Your body needs to learn how to digest and process food again. You need to learn how to socialize again without binge eating or drinking.

My 5 Steps to Reverse Dieting:

1. Introduce foods back slowly so your body can learn to process them again. Do not walk into a restaurant and eat like the people next to you. Remember what you have been feeding your body for the last 3, 6, 9 months. The people around you want YOUR body; you do not want theirs!

2. If you are going to over-indulge, control the urge to continue that pattern. Try to control the need to eat to the point you want to throw up. Remember, your brain is not receiving those signals that you are full. If you are going to stuff yourself after your show, that is fine; however, it is when you continue this pattern that your body will blow up!

3. Focus on the things that you missed outside of the kitchen! Go spend time with your family and friends. Go to that amusement park, fair, or parade. Get that dessert that your child has been begging you for. Get out of the kitchen!

4. Do not just stop working out now that your show is completed. Work with your coach to determine what your tapper program should look like. The intensity and duration will change; the need to do cardio still may not.

5. Keep drinking your water! Remember the amount you were drinking the weeks leading into your show? Well, that was not just because you were competing, it is healthy! You need water now more than ever to help flush out those new foods!

Please take the time to ensure that whoever is writing your prep plan is experienced and prepared to reverse diet you after the show. Looking back, there are many things that I could have done differently; however, the main thing is to ensure that there is a safety net on the other side waiting to catch me….

Because we all fall down.

Is Having Too Much Knowledge Bad

Is Too Much Knowledge Good or Bad?

We have all heard the saying, “Too much of a good thing is no longer a good thing.” Is it possible that too much knowledge is also not a good thing? I have always believed that “Education is Power”; however, I am starting to feel relatively powerless because of knowing too much.

dumbbell set and exercise ball

Thinking back to a time a few years ago, before I knew anything about nutrition, back to when I used to exercise to eat, my mind was free! I never stressed about eating a banana or a simple ham and cheese sandwich. I never measured or weighed my food. I had an athletic body, and I was comfortable with it.

That self-image was quick to change once I competed.

Now I find myself fighting an internal battle every day and going to bed with regret and waking up with frustration. Is it really so horrible to have 1 whole cup of oats versus 1/3 cup? Or to add fat-free milk versus water to mix? Or just to skip the damn oats and have a normal breakfast with fried eggs, potatoes, bacon, and/or sausage and pancakes? I remember how a big breakfast was such a Sunday treat.

Thanksgiving meals used to be a time when I would cook all night long, preparing numerous labor-intensive side dishes to enjoy with my family and friends. I used to enjoy these moments. Now I just get a simple spread made by Whole Foods, while my family enjoys the traditional items.

Should we really be so consumed over every bite we take?

I have been struggling with this for weeks. Every day I wish I had the mental freedom I used to have. I am exhausted with over-analyzing my body and stressing about the food I put into it. I have established an image that so many would like to see fall.

Do I want to give them that satisfaction? Should I even care what they think? Will I be able to be comfortable with my body again?

Is there a balance between being neurotic and relaxed?

I believe that there is a balance if we can allow ourselves the time to find it. We need to be comfortable with the freedom to make choices and the outcome, good or bad. Having the education helps establish the foundation to ensure that most of our meals are “good.” I find that if I stick to a clean and healthy diet the majority of the time, I can keep some sort of mental balance.

There is not a percentage to my majority. When I deny myself something, my mental balance is lost, and I feel deprived and end up over-compensating for it. When I make too many bad decisions, I no longer recognize the body that appears, and I am irritated.

When establishing our mental balance, we also need to accept and embrace the body that we become.

Whether you are a competitor or someone who has an extra weight that is making you uncomfortable, you will change. A competitor’s body should not be held at a “stage look” for longer than absolutely necessary because it is not healthy. Same with someone who is holding onto a high percentage of body fat, also not healthy.

Get rid of that image in your head. Unfortunately for the competitor, the changes we see are harder to accept.

Live Your Life for You!

The bottom line is that we cannot live a balanced life on a diet. We need to find that middle ground between making good choices and feeling good. This balance is what I am trying to find, again.

Wednesday, March 2, 2022

Are You Drinking Too Much Alcohol?

Many people do not realize that they have a problem with alcohol until it has started to affect their lives. If you recognize the signs of alcoholism, then you will be able to stop it before it ruins your life. There are a number of signs that you may notice if you are drinking too much. Below are some signs to look out for.

Woman catch the Alcohol

Many people do not realize that they have a problem with alcohol until it has started to affect their lives. If you recognize the signs of alcoholism, then you will be able to stop it before it ruins your life. There are a number of signs that you may notice if you are drinking too much. Below are some signs to look out for.


You are a Weekend Warrior


Contrary to popular belief, you do not have to drink every day in order to have a problem with alcohol. If you find yourself binge-drinking on the weekend, then you likely have an alcohol problem. Binge drinking is the act of drinking four or more drinks in one sitting.

Binge drinking can be just as bad for your health as consuming alcohol every day. Studies have shown that binge drinking can raise your blood pressure and damage your liver. It is also important to note that drinking large amounts of alcohol at one time can lead to death. The smaller you are, the more likely you will be to suffer alcohol poisoning.

You Always Exceed Your Limits

Many people try to control their alcohol consumption by putting a cap on the number of drinks that they can consume. However, if you find that you are never able to stick with your limit, then this is a sign that you are losing control of your alcohol intake. It is a good idea to find out what is triggering your alcohol consumption and avoid it,


You are Neglecting Your Responsibilities


If your drinking is out of control, then it may become your top priority. As a result of this, you may find yourself neglecting your responsibilities. For example, you may find yourself missing work because of your drinking. You may also neglect taking care of your home and family.


You Engage in Risky Behavior


Alcohol lowers your inhibitions, which increases your chances of engaging in risky behavior. One night of drinking can change your life for the worse. In fact, alcohol plays a role in about 60 percent of drownings and fatal burn injuries. It also plays a role in about 40 percent of car accidents and falls.


Other People Have Commented About Your Drinking


Your family members and friends will likely say something about your drinking if it is getting out of control. It is important for you to listen to the feedback that you are getting. If your friends and family members say that you have an alcohol problem, then you likely have one.


Your Memory is Suffering


Alcohol does not affect everyone the same. The way that alcohol affects you will depend on your genetics. The medications that you are taking will also affect alcohol absorption. Additionally, food is another thing that can affect the way that your body absorbs alcohol.


However, everyone who frequently drinks in excess will likely have memory problems. Studies have shown that alcohol can disrupt glutamate, which is a brain messenger that controls memory. You may not remember what you did during a night of drinking. You may also find yourself at home and have no idea how you got there.


You Cannot Have Fun Without Alcohol


If you cannot have fun without alcohol, then you most likely have a drinking problem. You may also find yourself cutting back on other activities that do not involve alcohol.


You Use Alcohol to Cope with Stress


Alcohol can give you short-term relief from stress. However, it does not make the problems go away. In fact, alcohol can worsen them. You likely have an alcohol problem if you have to drink to cope with stress.


Do You Have a Drinking Problem?


If you feel that you may actually have a problem with drinking or alcohol addiction, it’s imperative that you seek help. You may need to seek inpatient or outpatient treatment, or you may find that a 12-step group like Alcoholics Anonymous works for you. Here are some resources that will help you to get help.