Friday, June 25, 2021

The benefits of exercise

Hi... I'm Fiona from Fitness guide, and today we're uncovering the benefits of exercise for overall health.

You may have heard that exercise is good for you, and it's definitely true exercise helps to regulate blood sugar and keeps the heart-healthy.

two girl doing the exercise at beach

It also boosts HDL, otherwise known as the good cholesterol, and reduces triglycerides, which can be unhealthy.

If you're feeling stressed out, or you simply need to lower your blood pressure.

You're in luck exercise is the perfect remedy. The benefits continue here.

We all want to feel vibrant and have an abundance of energy and exercise helps boost mood and energy levels, helping us carry out our day and reach our health goals ok.

So I know you're probably worried thinking you have to join the gym, but you don't exercise can be any sort of movement that works for you and your lifestyle.

Walking stretching dancing around your house gardening lifting groceries, and even parking your car further away can all count perhaps you want to start with a goal of walking 10,000 steps in a day.

But whatever changes you make sure that it's small and achievable.

So that it'll be long-lasting and sustainable remember staying active can be fun and will keep your blood pressure blood sugar heart, and waistline healthy and balanced.


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